Saturday, April 01, 2006


I changed my car CD player today (with the help of my dad). The old one was spoilt and we had another set spare from the previous car. My dad told me that our mechanic wanted bout $70 to fix the CD player so he decided that we should fix it ourselves. Took me quite awhile to get figure out how to get the front cover out. If that wasn't bad enough, there were so many wires that i had to remove and fix back on. After about an hour of 'hard' labour, we managed to get everything up and running. Not bad for a $70 job.

I recently purchased my first expensive magazine. Cost a bomb........$13.50. But it's well worth it. The pictures are amazing and the tips are useful. I tried out some of the stuff but my pictures all turn out hopeless. I really need to work out stabilizing my hands. And work on my exposure control.

With my current obsession on cumputers, cameras, cars and scuba diving, I really wonder if I can ever save enough money to get married.


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