Tuesday, January 31, 2006

So what did you do this holiday? (Part II)

Continuation from the previous blog, I also spent some time taking some macro shots on Saturday. Not that any of them turned out well thought. What the heck......I shall post them here anyway.

Damn snail hid in its shell when it saw me..........

My gf was looking all flustered when she saw a cockroach in the water. The very dark-green murky water. Hahaha........

So what did you do this holiday? (Part III) coming soon!

Monday, January 30, 2006

So what did u do this holiday? (Part I)

If I am not wrong, this will be the last holiday in a long long time. So what did you do this holiday? Well, I spent my Sat morning testing out the full capabilities of my new camera. Ok......maybe not full.......half-full?

Sent my dad at six and went to fetch my gf afterwards. She insisted on following even though its so early and for that I am truly grateful. It is so much more fun when you have someone with you, be it in photography or fishing or whatever it is. We reached Kranji at about 7am. We found a spot facing the reservoir not knowing where the sun was appearing from and not knowing whether the sun was coming out or not.

First thing i noticed was there were a couple of big fishes playing by the banks. If only i had a fishing rod then. We set up our camera and waited. At first i thought the day was just going to get bright without us seeing the sun but then......

My darling dearest looking all sleepy...

Pictures of the sun.....

More pictures of the sun......

To be honest, I have never seen a sunrise like this before. I have always taken things for granted in life. Just like the sun, I always expect the sun to rise in the morning that for a large part of my life it was completely ignored. Unless if I 'm complaining how hot it is when I'm playing soccer with my friends.

And a warning for those of you who fish at the reservoirs and use live baits!!! (U know who u are!! Hahaha!!) At least you know that you'll be fined or prosecuted. Not fined AND prosecuted.

This picture turned out nicer that I expected it to be............I think.

These guys on a boat are so dumb. There were guys fishing by the bank and they rode their boat into their fishing line. Dumb asses.

There were so many more things which I did this weekend but I'm too tired to talk about it now, so another time maybe.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

New Look Blog!

I had nothing better to do so after a little programming here....... a little tweaking there! Walah!!
A totally clean new fresh look!!

Also been trying out a couple of new photoshop techniques.........Cool!!!

To all my Chinese friends, Have a very Happy and Festive New Year! Enjoy the holidays and take care of yourselves.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Photograhy Lesson 001

So what's wrong in this pic?
Firstly, I thought bright day, so no need flash. WRONG choice. Sun was behind my gf thus her face was underexposed coz of her shadow.
Secondly, there was too many focusing points on the photo.............should have tried using a larger aperture...........ya think???
Thirdly, should have chosen a prettier model. Sigh...........

Ok!Ok! Just joking bout the last part! Love ya!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Battlefield 2

After almost 6 months of playing, I am still a corporal. The problem is that I only put in about 1/2 hour per week since a few months back coz I have been busy with other work and recently been caught up with the Frozen Throne craze from my classmates. Haven't been collecting the medals too coz I only love to play like 2 of the characters there. MEDICS RULE!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006


I watched Crimson Tide again today on Channel 5 even though i've watched it countless number of time. All the while, I have supported Denzel's stand and decisions in the show. However today, i somehow feel otherwise.

In war, there can never be any hesistation, any 'blurness', any subjectiveness. The chain of command exist so that there can never be a 'in the middle ' kind of situation where a subordinate can say maybe or i'm not sure. When there is ambiguity in orders given or when one starts to question the orders given, the chain of command is broken and choas will ensue. I know that human beings (Singaporean's especially) were taught to think before we act, but if all of us start thinking then no one will do the fighting.

I have served my time in the army and i have followed orders which i felt were wrong or went against my concience. It was a hard time for me coz my freedom to think and act accordingly were taken away from me. I do not know why but i just kept mum. And so i just followed, and followed and followed orders till I lost my ability and willingness to think. It was just an easy way out for me i guess, not having any responsibility.

I dunno why i am writing this entry coz i seemed to have lost my objective here.
Morale of the story: I also dunno.....still waiting for someone to tell me.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Thomas the Master!

The guy 'stones' most of the time but he takes damn nice pictures! Nice sky, nice colours, NOT nice body!! Need to lose weight!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Sembawang Heaven

Took this picture a couple weeks back at Sembawang. Went down early with my darling to catch a few crabs (hahaha!) and get a few shots.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Moving Over To The Dark Side Episode 3

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Canon Powershot S2 IS

Friday, January 06, 2006

Belated New Year Photos!

What did I do on New Year's Eve? Sleeping at home and feeling sick.........Great! But on the next day, we had a big family BBQ! Woohoo! Lotsa food! But there's also a great place to fish near our BBQ pit. It's near the Changi Ferry Terminal but the best thing is, you don't need an expensive fishing rod to catch a fish!

My brother and my cousin using a freaking branch and they caught...........

..............this! Of course.......it looks good and taste good also!

Another one of my cousin's catch! Damn lucky toadster!

Another one of my cousin with his catch!

All our experienced fishermen didn't come up with the goods! But it was the youngsters who carried the flag proudly!

Ms 'Trying to Act Cool but Scared of all Creepy Crawlies' Yeni!

Anyway, that day, I drove the furthest since I had my license. It hasn't even been a month and I feel that I feel that I have been driving for ages, with my dad asking me to drive him to his lorry and back almost every workday. Gf also asking me to drive her all over the place. Maybe I should be a chauffeur.........

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Forever etched in the Sands of Time

Or till the tide comes in that is!

What am I here for?

Why am I here on this earth? Is it to study for exams? Is it to feel stressed over Final Year Projects? Is it to stare at computer screens for the whole day? Is it to consume as much food as possible on this Earth? Is it to write blogs? Is it to get married and have babies? Is it to prepare myself for death?
Actually, thinking about it, i do not need all the fanciful, high-tech gadgets. I do not need a computer/TV/radios/camera/cars,etc. All I need in life is my loved ones, especially my dearie, and the basic means to survive. So why then am i still studying for my freaking exams tomorrow? I have no idea why.............Maybe i just do not have the strength to go "against the tide". I'm dead for my AIS paper..........