Friday, January 06, 2006

Belated New Year Photos!

What did I do on New Year's Eve? Sleeping at home and feeling sick.........Great! But on the next day, we had a big family BBQ! Woohoo! Lotsa food! But there's also a great place to fish near our BBQ pit. It's near the Changi Ferry Terminal but the best thing is, you don't need an expensive fishing rod to catch a fish!

My brother and my cousin using a freaking branch and they caught...........

..............this! Of looks good and taste good also!

Another one of my cousin's catch! Damn lucky toadster!

Another one of my cousin with his catch!

All our experienced fishermen didn't come up with the goods! But it was the youngsters who carried the flag proudly!

Ms 'Trying to Act Cool but Scared of all Creepy Crawlies' Yeni!

Anyway, that day, I drove the furthest since I had my license. It hasn't even been a month and I feel that I feel that I have been driving for ages, with my dad asking me to drive him to his lorry and back almost every workday. Gf also asking me to drive her all over the place. Maybe I should be a chauffeur.........


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